Karen Murray
As a Registered Nurse, I offer private nursing services, with a clinical focus on Foot & Lower Limb Care. I have Certification in Advanced Foot/Lower Limb Care and specialized training in provision of care to high-risk clients including those with diabetes, neuropathy, arthritis, vascular disorders, edema, and autoimmune disorders, and the geriatric population. Foot Care appointments involve a specialized foot/lower limb assessment; identification and treatment of problem areas including removal of ingrown nails, debriding of corns and calluses, adjunct treatment for warts and fungus; routine care; education and referrals as needed. Additional services include fitting and dispensing of compression garments; custom-made silicone molds for foot changes/deformities with the goal of alleviating pain, pressure areas, and corns; and wound care. A recent addition to my practice is Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) of Lower Limbs. After seeing the great need in the community for this speciality area of care, I obtained Level 1 certification in the Dr Vodder method of MLD. I currently treat edema/swelling in legs, often association with Chronic Venous Insufficiency. I am working towards certification of Lymphedema Management & Complete Decongestive Therapy, which will allow me to treat lymphedema as of July 2025.
Foot Care & MLD with a Registered Nurse
Foot Care - Initial Appointment.

Foot Care - Follow Up

Onyfix Nail Correction for Ingrown & Involuted Nails - Initial appointment

Onyfix Nail Correction for Ingrown and Involuted nails - Follow Up

Compression Garments

Wound Care

View Info
MLD Initial Appointment (lower limb edema)

MLD - Follow Up (lower limb edema)